Ingraham Angle Cold Open – SNL

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham (Kate McKinnon) speaks with Ted Cruz (Aidy Bryant), Novak Djokovic (Pete Davidson), Candace …


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  1. SNL now only appeals to "the super-guilty sort of (white) liberals who need to forgive everybody so their own good fortune could be forgiven; who lack the courage of their privilege." – Jonathan Franzen
    Thankfully it is a rapidly vanishing, if not increasingly rage-filled and inchoate, class of very sad people.

  2. I would think it would be much easier to make fun of Biden at this point. I know making fun of someone with mental disabilities is a no no, but hay trying to make Candice Owens look stupid is racist soooo, lets have some fun with the far left idiots that are destroying the contry.

  3. Hmmmm…. “That’s “odd..”. A “highlighted comment” that no one sees? 🤔. Seems like they are picking comments to make sure people “don’t” see and marking them as “highlighted” to the user who posted them… 🧐

    No better way to understand what the establishment needs to hide..

  4. Alec Baldwin not available? Oh right…out murdering people. At least they hired another guy whose sole purpose in the show is to portray Trump more realistically so they can keep crying their liberal tears.

  5. Going to talk shit about voter ID which is overwhelming supported by everyone including minorities but not going to point out the vaccine passport ID bullshit or talk about them black children getting dragged out of restaurants or museums for not having ID… These people are just propaganda at this point.

  6. I feel like Alec's Trump was perfect for when he was actually president because he had to be big & booming, gnawing on the scenery every second and be front-and-center of nearly every cold open. But now that they have a main cast member doing Trump, relegating it to someone who is there on the regular and doing a lot more low-key impression is a great idea and also he did a fantastic job! I think both were equally great impressions; they just needed to be different sizes for the different roles he was publicly in.

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