Selling Everything? Stock Market Bulls vs Bears 2022

I have seen a lot of discussion about some investors selling out of all their stocks in the first quarter of 2022. The combination of …


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  1. Also, if you have Schwab, Stock Slices are a great way to DCA and nibble on the red days for your favorite stocks in the S&P 500 for those who dont have thousands of dollars to invest with

  2. Just keep buying good companies (not good stocks), ignore interest rates and macroeconomics. Focus on companies that makes good profit and have growths, never get out of market etc….. just keep cash on side, emergency fund etc

  3. They need some doom and gloom to get some eyeballs. LOL. I'm not very excited. I'm just buying slowly. I maxed my Roth for the year. My biggest problem is I need to do a small amount of selling to pay my taxes for 2021.

  4. I've taken this downturn early in the year to take advantage of "tax loss harvesting". I wanted to sell some highly appreciated mutual funds, some I've held up to 25 years. But this year, I've seen some recent ETF purchases go in the toilet and now show a loss. So I've sold some of those and I buy another ETF. I'm a little behind in my purchases, but I'll catch up. Those mutual funds can have high capital gain distributions and make my taxes somewhat uncertain. I do know about what those distributions will be by the end of October, making it possible to make adjustments.
    There are some extra worries in the market this year, but there are worries all the time. Looks like you are keeping warm, Geoff and maintaining your excellent channel very well. cu in the future.

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