Medical Cannabis Debate SC Senate Day 2 2022-01-27

Medical Cannabis Debate SC Senate Day 2 2022-01-27.


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  1. This is absolutely crazy that no medical personnel is even debating this. So much research has been done. People have been medicating with this plant from the beginning of man. Why is government involved in my health to begin with? So sad that many South Carolina have to be criminals and subject themselves to harassment by police to get relief. So as you elected officials argue over what's best for me, remember what the people of SC want. To my fellow South Carolinians make notes of the Senators votes either on the side of compassion or on the side of law enforcement and let's get involved during elections. By the way why is law enforcement getting involved with my health or politics anyways….

  2. The pure ignorance of these people is maddening. I cannot wrap my head around why this is even a debate at all! I can go to my doctor right now and get a prescription for opiates and these senators wouldn't care at all.

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