Power Your Health Q&A with Dr. Fuhrman

Come to a FREE Q&A with Dr. Fuhrman and get YOUR health questions answered! (Available on Facebook Live or YouTube.)


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  1. I always look forward to a Dr. Joel Fuhrman interview…he is like a walking encyclopedia on the whole foods plant based lifestyle. What I like about him is it's not a religion…he realizes not everyone is going to be exclusive with this lifestyle. Though many of us are practicing this as wfpe participants, his point being we are individuals capable of responding differently to different foods and exercise. He treats his patients as individuals, not as a demographic. No cookie-cutter approach here. I also appreciate how direct he is in his responses, sometimes sparing no one. He's been a breath of fresh air for decades with his unique touch of New Jersey smarts. Thank you, Mark and Wanda! Namaste.🙏

  2. What an informative interview; always love to hear Dr. Fuhrman’s straightforward, no nonsense approach to healthful living! Great job, Mark and Michele!

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