Get The Best Germination Rate From Your Seeds (Grow Talk – The Dude Grows)

Grow Talk 1300 – The Dude & Scotty Real Are Hanging Out Waking & Baking & Answering Your Grow Talk Questions Like, How to …


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  1. If you start your seeds on 12-12 it 100% will go directly into flower by day 12-15 you'll start to see the white pistols just as you would if you flipped mature plants. They both will start to show flower by day 12-15. They 100% won't veg out on there own at all. I've done this experiment 6 times every single time they flowered and showed

  2. I think photos are better for beginners; with auto any little hiccup will impact your yield.. I can't tell u how many new growers getting autos and doing a bad job and not know why their smoke suck. I'am always trying to tell people go with Photos they're far more forgiving

  3. A few commenters offered more info on Autoflowers and when/why they may be a better option for some. If this channel intends to be a source of good info, you should consider bringing an Autoflowers expert or two on the show. I don't think you guys were necessarily putting out bad information, but it's definitely incomplete and potentially misleading IMHO. Thanks for listening!

  4. I pay more for autos because I don't want junk autos. Pay more for the many years of workFor proper stable genetics from a good breederOn something that can generally be pretty unstable. There are tons and tons of sub par auto breeders out there. We pay for quality we pay for consistency. This is what breaks the auto flower stereotype.

  5. DUDE since going organic I have lucked out with predator mites going NUTS in all my pots. I have so many they look like tiny maggots. I have NO fungus gnats or spider mites anymore. However whenever I have gotten spider mites in the past I would bud wash at harvest.

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