Managing Anxiety During a Launch | LAUNCH DIARIES 007

How do you deal with anxiety when launching your online product? Watch this episode of launch diaries now to find out.


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  1. You are such an example in SO many ways 💖 One of them is showing this vulnerability and taking us with me in this journey is so inspiring already. I love all the content you put in the world and so proud to have you as my coach.

  2. As someone who also suffers from anxiety, this was so relatable and empowering to watch. I think often the fact that everyone looks so polished and 'on point' online actually adds to the anxiety levels. It is so important to show the other side of launching and running a business as it is definitely a roller coaster! Especially with the pandemic added. Thank you so much for being brave and sharing your vulnerable moments as I think it will help a lot of business owners realize that it is not only ok but completely normal to lose your energy sometimes. The highs are appreciated even more when you have experienced the lows x

  3. “We’re all worthy.” D*mn right, Alex!!! You have proven yourself over and over, even though you don’t need to. You are allowed to exist and be celebrated for just being who you are. Sending you all the love and hugs, my friend!

  4. As hard as I’m sure it was, I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to share the hard sh*t with us! You are feeling crappy and doing well, and that’s allowed to happen. The pandemic really reminded me that you’re a person with other wants and needs outside of your business. I always thought you were a superwoman, but then was reminded that like myself, that title is super f*cking exhausting!!

    I’ll probably comment again. But I needed to say that before continuing the video!

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