Germany on the brink of legalizing cannabis | DW News

One topic in the coalition talks to form a new government in Germany is the legalization of cannabis products. All three parties are …


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  1. Forget it. Legalisation is a topic once every 4 years to advertise german politics. As far as i know its been used since 20 years and nothing changed.

  2. What an absolutely fantastic advance for the cannabis industry, bravo Germany, it should have happened at least 30 years ago. To help not only the people who were threatened with a criminal record, but also the economy. It will do a lot to enrich neighborhoods and services for people. NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE WHO OF EUROPE AND BEYOND TO DO THE SAME.

  3. Was für ein absolut fantastischer Fortschritt für die Cannabisindustrie, bravo Deutschland, er hätte vor mindestens 30 Jahren passieren müssen. Um nicht nur den Menschen zu helfen, die von einer Vorstrafe bedroht waren, sondern auch der Wirtschaft. Es wird viel dazu beitragen, Nachbarschaften und Dienstleistungen für die Menschen zu bereichern. JETZT IST ES ZEIT FÜR DAS WHO VON EUROPA UND DARÜBER HINAUS, DAS SELBE ZU TUN.

  4. I'm not against decriminalizing marijuana BUT everyone should stop thinking marijuana only has positive sides. In reality everyone reacts difference and that's why you should probably get it prescribed from a doctor. Don't forget that the alot people suffering from psychosis and schizophrenia got it from smoking weed, it's not the weed causing it but it triggers it. Don't forget that you kill your braincells smoking it too. Many daily or heavy smokers I know became very slow in their speech and pretty lazy overall. A lot of people will think it's ok to smoke before their brain is fully developed, and the development is also from individual to individual. So TLDR: I hope the government also teach the downsides with marijuana and the dangers if decrim were to happen.

    Me personally, I've tried it many times, but having to smoke to get through life makes you weaker, overcoming challenges while being "natural" and exercising is what makes you get through life.

  5. I’ve been involved in legal cultivation. Not a single positive outcome aside from the money. For cancer patients and those who need it it’s been available for years

  6. This is the real world… talking of 'should we legalize weed'. Something that is ONLY amazing…hmmm, should we? I can't believe that I still live in a country where I must buy illegal weed…….

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