PANTHEON IN THE NEW CINEMATIC but still extremely unpopular

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  1. Hmm. For me the reason I stopped pucking pantheon is I would win every laning phase and lose every game. He doesnt quite "fall off" anymore, but his ability to only hit one champ kinda neuters his teamfight. As opposed to lets say darius or talon who can hit everyone at once.

  2. Yall gotta play bruiser, divine-steraks-black cleaver- deaths dance or force of nature- etc, its so much fun and you get the survivability and damage

  3. I just play him mid with gale force and PTA. Free lane, free roams, free game if you don't keep chasing kills late. Focus on picking back up your teammates that struggled and give them a few kills.

  4. The main idea of picking pantheon back then is killing the opposite laner so bad early as youre basically a walking ward late game but now you suck at every point of the game

  5. They need to do the same rework they did on his Q before.. when they lowered the base damage but raised the AD scaling.. then probably give armor pen passive on his E, which means he NEEDS to be in a solo lane to be strong..

  6. Honestly, despite new Pantheon being one of my favourite champion reworks, I never play him. I can enjoy playing a match of mid pantheon once every few months, but Riot really needs to bring his muscular ass back to top-lane. Give him tools that allow for long, butt-clenching fights where he wins by proccing his passive 3-4 times, instead of ones that can only be used once before he dies.

  7. I will say Pantheon is my favorite character archetype which is the "Strongest Human". Characters like him and Escanaor who live in world's with demons, angels, beasts, etc and yet the one who stands at the peak is just a man. It really just motivates you as a person that despite everything humanity is what has survived and thrived on planet earth throughout hundreds of millions of years despite us not being physically the strongest species (even though these types of characters usually beat the shit out of everyone). This trope works especially well with Gods vs Humans like Pantheon and always brings a smile to my face

  8. I’m ok with W nerf, just change his W scaling to AD. Like, why does riot even do this? You don’t get anything for building AP Panth except reports from your team for trolling.

  9. League is just a shit game. You do everything right and you lose because a vayne or yi or something just gets fed and it tilts you to hell. No wonder so many people troll when the game is just fucking frustrating

  10. He just has one of those kits where he’s either broken or awful. That being said, playing him in the new season against a yone mid lane was very, very fun. TP changes makes his ult way more valuable. But he’s a good counter pick at best

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