That was the year that was…2021



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  1. To any vape shop owners or vape companies still in Los Angeles or California. There are way more problems than just restrictions on vaping, 100,000s of people are already migrated out of these states and headed for red states like Texas and Florida to escape the insanity that's going on. You should follow suit, relocate your businesses to texas or florida asap!!! Lobbying is too much of a gamble at the moment, also even if restrictions are removed, you'll have no customers anyway because they've all moved out! Get out of blue states to save your business before the Democrats insane state laws destroy it!

  2. Well the whole issue of corner shop selling disposables to kids, all that needs to do to put a stop to it, is UPHOLD THE LAW!! It's already illigal to sell age restricted items to kids, disposable vapes already fall into that category, so if little Timmy is caught with a DV, then the parents should find out which corner shop he got it from, and phone trading standards and report them. Then the corner shop will get heavily fined, and if continues taken to court. They'll soon stop ot then!

  3. Personally I'd ban disposables, they have no net worth in the big picture and will only lead to more restrictions on the whole industry. The anti's won't miss an open goal like disposables especially as in the UK they have nothing else to attack vaping with. They along with the kiddie packaging on certain liquids are a massive own goals for the industry. Entry level kits are as cheap as, why on earth would someone recommend a disposable over a kit to a smoker?

  4. vic, one thing MANY people dont know is type 2 is reversible
    if you stick to a VERY strict keto diet for around 6 months, your body starts to get its glucose from its protein instead of from its sugar
    over months of this you end up reversing the effects
    i have had multiple friends now who i have helped with a keto diet who now can eat small amounts of sugar without a insulin spike right after
    its life changing, look into it

  5. On the Arbiter 2, I own 2 original Arbiters and they are just great RTAs.
    Because of that i bought a Arbiter 2, but all I have is trouble.
    First the screws are to soft, even softer then the ones from the original, I am already at the last spare screw for the Arbiter 2.
    Second the moment you guys start defending the device by " you do not know how to wick" it is a lost battle.
    Bogan does it with his Blottos.
    One of the issues I found that helps to get slightly better flavour is to cut the coils even shorter then the recommended 4mm.
    The word simply spreads around and sales falls down.
    Most likely there is a technical or manufacturing issue.
    Remember, you guys are the ones who get the "perfect" sample.

  6. Vape shops is where the kids are buying the disposables though,,they ain't buying them from Tesco's or Sainsbury's because those places are shit hot on age verification..3 vape shops in my town,all sell to kids lol

  7. Sure the industry promotes pods and disposables, much more profits are involved there.
    Vic, have you tried out the Valkyrie from VaporzCloud ? Best Dual Coil Tank ever made, past year !
    Greetings from Belgium and a delightful new year.

  8. Vic you don't need a dual coil to get good flavor. As Jai Haze says, if you drink two sodas do you get more flavor? No, you do not. You just get more soda in your mouth. Same with dual coil tanks. You don't get more flavor, just bigger clouds.

  9. Have been praying for you Vic, all yearšŸ™šŸ». Very grateful for you helping me become smoke free 1yr 4m, after 2pk a day 47yrs. Vaping saved my life… Thank you Vic and God Bless you!!! Looking forward to all your future content.šŸ˜˜šŸ’Ø

  10. Iā€™m an 18 year old uni student in the uk and at all the parties I goto all the social events and classes itā€™s rare to see someone who has a proper kit even like a pod, then itā€™s not as hard to find someone who smokes, but itā€™s easy to find someone with a disposable vape and it really is a huge problem.

    Not only for the waste but getting originally young non smokers into getting hooked on what is essentially a flavoured cigarette full but even better for them loads of different flavours no fuss just pull on these geek bars mainly, but I think the problem is everyone is doing on social media and loads of people start doing it and trying with there mates itā€™s not so much social smoking as it is vaping and selling a kid on these fruity vapes is so easy. With a cigarette you either need a Pre-rolls pack for like Ā£14 then you need to get a lighter and it will hurt a first time smokers throat not knowing how to do it and they will smell, But with a vape itā€™s different there mates will say ā€œoh itā€™s only like Ā£3 for one no need for lighter or anything just pull on it, and it doesnā€™t smell doesnā€™t hurt to vape it and makes you feel good easy to hide in a bag (most off them look like highlighters so common place in your school bag)easy to vape in your room little vapour is produced with these ones, compared to cigarettes labelled on the box or pouch easy to distinguish what it is and of course there easier to damage.

    So you take all that, cheap price to get hooked, innocent looking box & flavours and colours, easy for anyone to get hold because everywhere is selling them one shop idā€™s you, goto the next one and try again, also the social aspect for young people like myself and younger is they think itā€™s cool to do everyoneā€™s doing it and they like it and itā€™s cheap.

    my personal experience I have had going to my local town high street to goto my vape shop seeing kids, chavs, and people still in school uniforms standing outside these shops smoking them and thereā€™s like no way you could even argue oh they looked over 25 with the black trousers and school jumper like these are at least 16 year olds doing this and worse even younger, but these unscrupulous shops see it as a hassle to id kids or just the worse outlook they have with these things especially owners ā€œoh if I donā€™t sell it to them theyā€™ll just get it from somewhere elseā€™s may as well be me who makes some money off itā€

    So I mean I think the big problem is the same as the Americans with the Juul is the fact it donā€™t have vaping kills with a picture of a half dead man on the front and especially now is how cheap it is and I mean this sincerely as because there so cheap a younger person is gonna be more likely to be able to get Ā£3 borrowed or ask from there parents to get a vape than letā€™s say Ā£20 for a pod kit or vape mod thatā€™s gonna be hard to hide.

    My closing thoughts on it are that realistically they need to be banned and this is coming from someone literally out there with my vape and my mates taking hits off these geek and elf bars disposable ones right they need to go leave vaping to smokers who are gonna be older and have enough money to buy a kit they like and with the juice and that they want to help them. We should encourage smokers to vape but social media is encouraging non smokers to vape and thatā€™s having the reverse effect people who arenā€™t educated on it who donā€™t wanna keep buying the disposable ones donā€™t know how a normal vape works or what to do just goes and buys cigarettes at the end off the day.

    I know this like a super rant but this a good in-depth perspective on what the problem I believe actually is and how we can remedy it we have to make it non-accessible.

  11. Thank god for the lil Scottish fellow….. being a recently reformed cig smoker (42 years) and a newish vaper (1 Year) I started is this new unknown world knowing nothing about vaping. I did it for my health after covid. I'm American and our Gov. has lost its mind in greed so i had to learn quick to not rely on a vape shop or supply chain. because of your channel I have the best I can get in equipment, 3 gallons of 100mg nic base and wire enough to build, wick, and vape for years. All of the information and skills I needed were right here with Vic. Thanks Vic

  12. "Think of the children" lmfao! Well if you were a good parent you would educate your brats on vaping is for adults who want to quit not kids,hopefully 2022 won't be a train wreck like 2021 was,have a good one vic

  13. Vic. What can i say. Each time i am happy to be member of floofe army. You remember my comment on israel and i thank-you for that.
    Keep on good content and first keep your health. Remember if you ever come to israel. U can have 2 nights at my place. Hope 2022 will be a good year for us and for the whole world. As u always say…. have a good one!

  14. My fear of the disposables is they become a wedge for the Karen's etc. to get a wedge attacking vaping.
    Vaping is the only smoking ceasation tool that works at above 50%

  15. that disposable issue you're having in the UK… not only is China cramming that crap down your lungs.., but because the US has killed away most of the flavored disposable pods…, now China resorts to selling entire disposable units, which then create even more litter when not properly trashed.. but yes, boro mods for the win.. and i'm happy about that as I've been almost only buying boro-bridge mods for the past year or more.. sbs mods were another nice device style they rehashed for 2020-21.. i hope the boro thing continues… although between the high end boro gear and now the China based boro gear… its flooding out already..

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