★ 31 Zinc Rich Foods to Boost Your Immune System (Deficiency, Treatment & Daily Intake)

31 Zinc Rich Foods to Boost Your Immune System (Deficiency, Treatment & Daily Intake) **PINE NUTS ARE ACTUALLY SEEDS** …


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    (Please check with an allergy professional before consuming them if you suffer from other food allergies)
    15:42 I rushed to get this video out before Christmas and was working on the voice over until 4am. It's no excuse for making such an important mistake when it comes to allergy foods. I apologise.

  2. I love oatmeal, used to have it 4 times a week. At the same I experienced inexorable weight gain. I never suspected the oatmeal until my supplier lost their business during the lockdowns. Just dropping oatmeal enabled a 30 pound loss in about 2 months. Boy I miss it but the stuff in the supermarkets may as well be spackling. Finally faced the facts I was meant for Keto with a natural bent for intermittent fasting

  3. This is pure rubbish. Just because a plant has something like zinc in it, that doesn’t mean we can absorb it. The anti nutrients also prevent absorption and irritate the gut. Nutrients in meat are far more bioavailable. Could that be the reason we have the GI tract of a carnivore?? Animal protein is most highly coveted thing on the planet. Just look at the lengths people go to in order to obtain it. This is propaganda

  4. Great video. I did subscribe. It was incredibly informative. I'm from Trinidad 🇹🇹 and a few beans & nuts may not be available here, a lot of the others things are so…👍💯

  5. THIS IS BASED ON “ASSUMING”your foods are NOT, GMO! American foods are ALMOST ALL GMO- yes even Organic foods here.
    As well as PINE NUTS & other tree nuts are a huge Deadly allergy today. Grains are not good either

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