Shocking Discovery at Ancient Temple in Israel

Residue of Cannabis was found at the altar of an ancient temple in the territory of Judah. The Temple was first dated to the time of …


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  1. I love your treks and insight into Biblical archaeology. I Have a few suggestions: Please provide a deeper understanding about the region by researching the plants and animals native to the area. For example, Rhoda became fearful when she heard a wild dog. Well, fear is what happens when you are clueless about what creatures exist in the country you live. The howling dog you encountered was a golden jackal. I would like to see you also delve into botany and share about uses of the native plants as they were utilized in ancient times. Sharing about fig trees, myrrh and frankincense shrubs, and many other plants can give your followers a rich experience as they relate to Biblical truths. On a few episodes, I noticed that you passed by litter floating in water and lying on cave floors. I suggest that you be an example to all Christians by carrying a bag to collect garbage that others leave behind. This shows us that you care for and are good stewards of God's creation. Keep becoming the people God calls you to be.

  2. I was right.. Its not solomon… Its king ahaz……or if it is solomon, i still believe solomon does it… Bcoz he became lustfull…..he had a lot of girls or concubines and worship their gods and idols….

  3. There are many things we assume we identify as what we see to be or mean 1 thing. Is quite simply seen as just an herb to a means to an end use. Sticky fingers to flip thru The Word.

  4. Maybe there is another way to see the Temple. Maybe the Cannabis Stone is to make easy a way to turn the Pages in The Word. Cannabis Residue is very Sticky. It wld be much needed to easily flip thru and Study Scripture.

  5. Genesis 1:12 God set forth plants and herbs that bore fruit which bore seeds of it's own and God saw that it was good.

    Cannabis is an Herb meant for us to use. In order for it to be considered a drug it has to be a chemically modified version of a plant or plant based compound. Marijuana is just an herb and only that. An herb that grew naturally from the ground via a seed that God gave us.

  6. We are His temple now. I received gifts from people according to what they believe but I don't agree with it. I don't worship idols. I don't do what they did. They didn't go deep in the Word but still believed. I hope you continue to show us the ways through the archeological finds but let us keep in the way of Christ.

  7. I enjoy and appreciate your videos SO much. COVID robbed us of a "bucket-list" visit to Israel in 2020, rescheduled twice more, now abandoned. Your videos allow me to experience the land where Jesus and the prophets walked in a way a group tour could never provide. So thank you, thank you so much from the Williams in Durham, NC, USA ("GO HEELS!")

  8. ABC's of Salvation! You are loved so very much, that Someone died for you!

    A- Acknowledge/Admit you are a sinner. We all sin and fall short of the Glory of God! We can't save ourselves!!!! We all need a Saviour!!!!

    B-Believe that Jesus is who He says He Is and that He did what He said He did!! if you confess (speak it) with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and shalt believe in your heart

    that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be Saved. Have faith that His blood has paid for your sins!! Believe it!! For Repentance is a change of mind!!! Change your mind from unbelief in Jesus to belief in Jesus!!!

    C-Call on Jesus! For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be Saved!!!

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    Ephesians 2:8

    John 3:16-18

    1John 5:5

    John 6:40

    John 3:16

    Romans 10:9-13

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