Ep 337 Why aren’t we talking about men’s mental health? + de-stigmatizing men’s mental struggles

Get your tickets to my 2021 Mental Health Retreat (Dec 3-4): EPISODE DESCRIPTION: In this …


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  1. Thank you Dr. Caroline, I love this information,the stigma of men and women must be perfect , it doesn’t exist,but every word, action could destroy or loved, it all depends on how much we understand the mental health,the best way for me was to live the suffering of every thought, action of my son.Now we have learned little by little. Thank for your beautiful information 🍁🙏🙌🏼✨💜

  2. Thank you for this video. Yes, absolutely we need to focus more on men's mental health & why from infancy they are trained & expected to be 'little men' & with holding physical touch due to their gender. There is no dispute we have a violent country & male on male violence exceeds the violence done to females. Yet strangely for some reason the mental health therapeutic community advocated for females to have mandatory counseling after they have been assaulted by their intimate male partner but did not advocate the same for the male batterer or that the batterer be held accountable. Addressing the disparity of this double standard would greatly help reduce the generational perpetration of family violence by supporting better mental health for all involved. Women who are beaten & disrespected by their partner are not able to do their best mothering & men who beat their partner usually beat their children, thus not able to do their best as a father. Some males who were beaten by their fathers go on to beat up their mates & children. Some females will also do the same.

  3. I heard a saying:
    Men do cry, but they do not cry for the same reason twice.
    I respectfully disagree with the diversity training stuff.
    Humans should learn how to treat each other fairly, yes. But skin color and social status has nothing to do with morals.

    And I refuse to be treated as a racist when I am not one.

    Still, some of the information you provided was benficial.
    Thank you.

  4. I think the world is insane, i mean this statement. the people who think they lead me and think they can make decision that affects my life directly for the negative have made this world very difficult to live in, i know it is not me it is the reality of this sad world that seems inverted and evil. Yes there are some awesome human beings but these people are not in positions to create a better world for all, the people in power seem to want to destroy everything. I also feel that psychiatrists and psychologists don;t really listen they just have their preconceived ideas and try and force these views and beliefs which do not resonate with me onto me.

    God Bless you Dr Leaf.

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