How to make CannaOil using Ardent FX

Ardent #cannaOil #sponsorship Learn how to make cannaoil using Ardent Fx. The Ardent Fx is a three in one portable cannabis …


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  1. I really like cooking with the Ardent FX; however, I know there's someone that need it more than I do…So i'm doing an Ardent giveaway. Like and comment to enter giveaway. I'll pick a winner in about a week. Also, I 'll leave my link and code in the description, which provides $30 off the product.

  2. Apparently Ardent says you don't have to grind your flower first, you should give that a try and see how it goes. It could save time in the future if you do bigger batches!

  3. Finally you've used the ARDENT FX to create cannaoil! Was actually waiting for more review of the product. Am hopefully planning on getting one in January 2022! By the way HAPPY NEW YEAR Ahleaf Cannabis 🎉🥂

  4. Been doing research on em for about a week they have great reviews and for a person who stays in ga which still treats cannabis usage as a crime
    I could whip up with no worries gotta get me one

  5. Very cool
    I have a serous issue where stinking up the entire house decarbing in the oven tends to bring issue where I am, this looks perfect.
    Does it also make a stronger product then in the oven since it’s more exact?

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