LIVE: Post Rittenhouse Verdict World

Morning people. Well, it’s the morning after the night before and I am feeling a combination of great relief, and a touch of what I like to call the ‘Apres Gin Sin’.


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  1. Admittedly I haven't got past 10 yet, but that first seven minutes or so was brilliant. I have to say, I'd never really thought about it like that.

    Now I'm sure I threw that telephone modem away in 1992.. why is the Internet suddenly so s… ah yes. Yes. Of course…


  2. CND peace symbol designed in 1958 by an Englishman. It is derived from Semaphore code for letters N and D (representing 'Nuclear Disarmament'). It has also been claimed to represent the footprint of the dove that returned to Noah's Ark with an olive branch: I'm not clear on why that's the case, I might be misunderstanding something. However, the dove and olive branch were an early Christian symbol of peace

  3. To put the Rittenhouse case in context.

    Imagine how many young boys Kyle Rittenhouse has saved from the evil clutches of the

    Rosenbaums of this world? Truly makes you shudder.

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