Steven Donziger Prison Statement, Rep Gosar & AOC In Attack On Titan Parody, Robinhood Hacking

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  1. Our entire legal system is indeed a joke but more than that, it's a wholly owned and controlled kangaroo court system by evil psychopaths on steroids.

    Btw, Merrick Garland is utter trash. If he wasn't a scumbag, this never would have happened in the first place. I've heard from reports that I trust that he's just as dirty as any of the others. No one at that high level has any real conscience. He has known everything that's gone on with this outrageous Donzinger case and done nothing and will continue to willingly do nothing.

    Donzinger is an amazing person, an unbelievably morally upright heroic fighter for justice. These are all crimes against him but he WILL come out of this stronger. I'm not religious but there is that one nice bible verse that says, "what Satan intended for evil, I used for good". I believe that will happen here.

    We REALLY need a legal system that isn't controlled by demonic bloodsport-seeking DAs and single dictator sadist judges not just re: Donzinger but re: everyone caught up in it, esp those in the federal courts.

  2. This is what the they do to whistleblowers-they jail them. Steve Donziger wins a case against Chevron for the company polluting the Ecuadorian environment and endangering their lives. Disgusting!

  3. Gosar needs to go to prison. His so called parody attack on AOC and Nancy Pelosi were a blatant threat and an incitement of violence. It's will encourage the crazies to crawl out of their dark holes and hurt people.

  4. Corrupt feds use words like “snitch”, or “rat”, start putting your name on YouTube, just proves my point in their level of maturity, when they are caught doing something wrong. Then they frame you, turn everyone against you, and continue committing criminal acts like any gangster, and you wonder why people that speak the truth against them don’t live in this country. History never changes, and things will only get worse. Keep being puppets for them.

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