Can Christians Smoke Weed

Today we are answering the tough questions as to whether we, as Christians, should be smoking weed. If you are someone who struggles with the temptations …


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  1. Wash your feet, forehead, and temples atleast three times a day. Take hyssop. Say, 14 days, drink lots of water. You're having trouble endocrine and lymph., there's more, although many people find this much too much, Mother Rabeeca, Sarah, Esther gifts., all KJV Bible health and beauty instructions. ( Don't think sales, only given by God can hear these )

  2. Some people says that Marijuana is an Herbal Plant. However me personally I don't want to take that type of Plant. It's a personal choice between that person and God.

  3. I apologize for responding without finishing your video; that was quit foolish of me๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ. Paul does preach to us to not drink alcohol. Ephesians 5:18 and i think theres another scripture ๐Ÿค”. Nice chatting to you my good friend ๐Ÿ˜‰โœŒ

  4. Here me out๐Ÿค”. I place before you life and death, now choose life. Women, it is a complete no to smoke weed. I tell you the truth, God may have made the plant but, the enemy contorts its essence. For example, God turned water to wine but the bible still says in the new testament you should not drink. Not all things are good for you 1 corinth 10:23. Im not trying to hate on call you out or anything like that but, do not in anyway grant people permission to smoke weed. If any man is afflicted let him pray – james 5:13. God is our doctor. We should seek healing from God rather than weed. Much love๐Ÿ‘โค

  5. Good Videoooo ๐Ÿ˜€ thats exactly how i think abt this topic, especially corinthians 6, 12. in your Case God told you to not to do it anymore bc it seperated u n him. but if others do it not often, i Think its okay

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