A Weird Week | House of Colour Consultation | Vlogtober 2021

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  1. I've always struggled with that last day or so before my period. Sometimes, she likes to show up right after my workout… which means I probably should've skipped, right? On the other hand, there are times when I've skipped thinking she was going to show… only for her to show up a few days later than expected.

    Since it's something that's been on my mind lately, I would love to see a day or week of "intuitive eating." I'm less interested in the whole idea of "can you maintain your weight without tracking?" and more into just seeing what you'd eat over a period of time without a tracker holding you accountable. And, honestly, it would be really interesting to see you do it for a full week. I'd love to see how your meals on day 1 of not tracking compare to day 6 or 7.

    I never really reached a point where I felt content when tracking. No matter how many calories I was eating, it never felt like enough, so hearing you talk about how content you are is fascinating.

    The color analysis thing is absolutely fascinating. I've taken a few tests online and they usually point me towards summer, but I'd love to know for sure. I think one quiz said I was a "soft summer" specifically. I definitely want to find out for sure one day (maybe add it into some old dreams of having my dream makeover and creating a capsule-inspired wardrobe).

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