The Top 10 Foods with No Carbs and No Sugars

The Top 10 Foods with No Carbs and No Sugars is all the information you need to start a low carb diet. These sugar free goods are all staples of the keto diet …


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  1. Dr. Z, I've had kidney stones twice. I do believe it was because I was eating lots of spinach smoothies. Is there something I can do (like putting lemon juice in with the smoothie) to help prevent stones. Thanks!

  2. Great video Dr Z. The one caution I would add is with spinach. While spinach is a good food raw spinach has one of the highest oxalate values. Consumers of spinach need to be aware of this fact. Cooking spinach is one way to reduce this quite a bit. Also countering with lemon juice is another. Back in my earlier days of Keto I used to live on "green" smoothies of which spinach was a large ingredient. But even with using lemon juice I still had some serious oxalate dumping which I initially could not attribute to anything. I finally quit using raw spinach and the symptoms disappeared.

    YMMV of course.

  3. I so happy I found this diet, I lost 50 lbs , but I feel like I going to fall off of it, hopefully I won’t gain weight, but I going to try it for a eat no carb foods for a month, ex for blueberries

  4. Excellent video – straight forward. I like how you get right into things without a lot of preamble or selling the latest book.
    One thing that messed with my head is how slowly time moves in your zone. Video is 11:39 min long but the clock in the background barely moves a second past 5:00

  5. Apple cider vinegar is a drink! I drink a pint of that only 3 times a day!! I mean it has no carbs but it did eat a hole in my stomach. Maybe a gallon of acv was a bit much.

  6. There is nothing wrong with eating carbs… Calories In Vs Calories Out is king…
    … Yes you should be eating minimally processed whole foods … However anyone promoting cutting out a whole food group to promote a "diet" loses all credibility… Dr or no Dr.

  7. If you like eggs, but don’t like veggies much, maybe you want to try crustless quiche! I sauté a bunch of veggies anything from spinach, peppers, broccoli, onions, mushrooms and whisk up eggs with cream and cheese add all the veggies and bake in a greased pie plate. I only need one meal a day when I make this veggie and egg pie!

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