Pray With Me – Tuesday – Nehemiah 9

Pray With Me – Tuesday – Nehemiah 9.


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  1. You are a pastor you should know how saint works why would you have your dogs in a room then your talking about something YOU claim is so important just because you can shut them off dose not mean others can and you lose your whole point and you lose your message why would you allow this

  2. Personally, I think you can have the Holy Spirit in you and think that "speaking in tongues" is imagined emotionalism – that isn't blasphemy saying that. But – I do think we should respect each other, and even though I don't think it's real, I respect that you do and will go with it, who knows maybe it could be.

  3. Revelation 16:5-6 "You are righteous. O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be. Because You have judged these things. Frot they have shed the blood of saints and prophets. And You have given them blood to drink. For it is their just due."

  4. I was tested positive for covid on 9-2-21 after being sick for over a week. I'm still not well, but getting better daily. I refused to go to the hospital and took vitamins and loads of water. God is good all the time. Praise the name of the Lord Jesus Christ ๐Ÿ™. ๐Ÿ™.

  5. Maranatha. Come quickly Lord Jesus. In the mean time thank you that we have the power of prayer and God's love to sustain us. Jehova Jirah our provider. Thank you for your encouragement.

  6. Hi Pastor Dana, so so glad to hear and see you well. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also hearing the dogs in the background ๐Ÿ˜Š Tune in indirect but faithfully always listening from UK. God thank you for keeping and protecting Pastor Dana, strengthen him and give him the wisdom as he encourages us. Let him know how much he is loved and sincerely appreciated. Father bless his family, bless his friends and his ministry in Jesus name, thank you Father, Amen

  7. Pastor, you may be operating in one of the nine gifts or manifestations of the Holy Spirit as explained in 1 Corinthians 12, the "gift of prophecy" via prophetic dreams as per Joel 2 and repeated in Acts 2. Those gifts/manifestations are through and for spiritual brethren.
    The gift/manifestation does not make one a prophet, the office of prophet has many other designations.

  8. Love your daily teaching and your dogs, but with all your respect they are distracting you when you are teaching the Word of God! I am actually taken away from my focus in the words you are speaking. Sorry, but this happens quiet often and I felt compelled to mention it.
    Love your teachings your dreams and hearing the word of God from you.

  9. You donโ€™t realize what you have had until you donโ€™t have it anymore. America has taken God for granted. We are now reaping our mistreatment and ignoring of how great God is and we owe him for the great luxuries we have enjoyed in America. The greatest country, still despite its shortcomings. May God still bless the USA.

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