New Stock Indicator. Profit Targets. Stop Loss. How Much To Buy. Risk Management Made Easy.
Jerry’s Risk Management Indicator shows you the perfect position size based on your account size and risk management rules including the stocks volatility.
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Thank you jerry. Your the best. These calculations will make my investments so much more organized as well as keep my risk management in check.
Jerry, I can not thank you enough for all that you are doing for this community. I made notes and going to apply all I have learned from you. Thank you, thank you. God bless you.
I think your the Picasso of trading Jerry. Thank you for sharing your wisdom as always!
useful information!
Thank you for the needed information, however I had a difficult time keeping up with the formulas. Can you please review on next video. Ty.
Lots to take in there! Thanks Jerry
Hi Jerry. Can you show us some of your travel photos? We haven’t seen any in a while and are curious.
Would love you to do this for crypto
I am looking forward to you making your crypto video
I hope it is soon
You are amazing
Nice! Thanks Jerry🌴😃
URNM has been going crazy the last few days. Whats up with the spike?
Could you do an analysis on AQST sometime? I think you would love them. They got all strong buy ratings a good pe ratio, multiple sources of revenue and a huge fda date in December so it should be a BIG run up play! Thanks for everything☺️
Thank you Jerry! This is great information! I love that you do teaching and not just stock tips.
I wish you would consider making recorded video content of lots of different topics in a progressive order and offer it as a class people can pay for. Ive tried learning on my own but there's just too much info out there to digest .
Grateful Jerry. Several of my watch lists have your name on them.
I have to revisit this video atleast thrice 👍👌
Jerry when will you post the Risk Management ToS Plugin URL in the education channel?
Great video, very nice and simple formulas, I appreciate the hard work you do to each us profitable investing. Much appreciated. I watch YouTube on my big TV but it does not allow easy commenting. However, I am your biggest fan. I came to my desktop to follow you with the Rick Management configuration but cannot find the plugin.
great stuff! gonna study this over and over and over during this long holiday weekend….thx Jerry!!!
This information is pure gold!! Thanks!!
Thanks, Jerry.
Nice Haircut Jerry!
A couple of my plays today, Buying ABVC for a swing to 4.25 or go long. They have some interesting stuff coming to market in the future. V is on sale big time today and loading up for a swing on it. Whats your thoughts on the V drop Jerry?
What's your thoughts on PLTR???
I m up 10% should I quit
In class watching myself lose $200 from SPRT 🙁